Aplikasi terpintar yang memberi Anda berita terbaru tentang komik & film favorit Anda. Salah satu aplikasi jenisnya yang memberi Anda semua informasi tentang favorit Anda
The smartest app bringing you the latest news on your favorite comics & movies.
One of its kind app that gives you all the information on your favorite comics and movies!
This app will keep you posted on all the upcoming movies based on your favorite superhero. Mengambil informasi dari semua situs web favorit Anda dan memberi Anda tautan langsung untuk membaca cerita lengkap, sarat dengan gambar dan informasi aplikasi ini akan membuat Anda tetap diposting di pahlawan favorit Anda!
Get the latest information on all your favorite superheroes including DC comics, Marvel comics , Vertigo comics.
Get the latest information on upcoming movies based on your favorite comic characters.
Get the latest information on upcoming and on going TV series based on your favorite comic characters.
- Follow some of the best entertainment news websites
- Gives you latest feeds on upcoming movies and comics
- Lets you select the websites you want to follow
- Timely update with notifications.
- Font support
- Mode malam
- JavaScript support
- Share with friends
- Smooth design
- Easy to operate
Unduh hari ini!
-Performance improvements.
-Better state management when multitasking.
-Better handling of image downloads.
-Better performance with cellular data connections
-Minor bug perbaikan